SIRK does not seek to undercut price levels with its FLAT RATE for translation and revision. Our aim is simply to offer clients a clear and closed price for the most habitual languages. In fact, we have practised this policy for many years and now we have decided to call it our FLAT RATE.
All translators are subject to precise rules and legal regulations regarding professional secrecy. All documents that clients entrust to SIRK are automatically considered to be confidential, whether this is specified by the client or not. In this respect, SIRK guarantees maximum rigour and confidentiality when processing documents and places a series of confidentiality agreements at your disposal, not to mention personal access to the client area by means of personalised passwords.
Translation is a profession. A translator is not born from one day to the next simply because he or she speaks two languages or is bilingual. This profession requires a perfect knowledge of the language the translator wishes to translate into, as well as an excellent grasp of his or her mother tongue, not to mention a whole host of linguistic skills.
SIRK offers its services to adapt advertising materials to local markets in order to ensure the very best results. A web page in another language that manages to connect with the target group in question, that contains clear and precise instructions to avoid complaints and that does not detract from the brand’s value … offers a key value-added dimension.
Trabajar con Sirk es un lujazo. Hay profesionalidad desde la primera palabra, hasta la última.Paloma es confianza 100%.
No puede haber mayor facilidad para mi trabajo que tener la disponibilidad de una traducción perfecta y en tan poco tiempo. Genial el trabajo de Sirk Translations.